Training Courses

This product type is for training courses.

Patient Reported Outcome Measures

Both nationally and internationally there has been a shift in thinking about what health is and how it is measured. Traditional clinical ways of measuring health and the effects of treatment are increasingly accompanied by, or indeed replaced by, Patient…

Leading Remote Teams

This one day course is ideal for those who lead a team whose members are geographically dispersed. Team members might be doing the same job or performing as part of a multi-functional team. The challenge for the team leader is…

Systems Thinking for Health

  Health systems are amongst the most complex that people have to deal with. This one-day workshop will – through a mix of short presentations and group exercises for a practical “learning by doing” approach – equip participants better to…

Futures Thinking for Health

  Health strategies need to be robust to change and uncertainty. This one-day workshop will develop participants’ practical strategic skills in coping with system change and developing effective strategic responses to uncertain futures. Participants will scan the health horizon and…

Influencing in Challenging Public Health Structures

  The ability to effectively influence stakeholders is a core skill required by all public health professionals and the overall objective of this course is to equip participants to find their leadership space in the public health sector and step…

Mental Wellbeing Impact Assessment

PHAST are pleased to offer a one day Introduction to MWIA training day. This session is based on a successful model developed and promoted by ISP (Inukshuk and SLaM Partnership) as part of their delivery of a national MWIA promotion…

Winning Tenders

This workshop is the last in a series of three sessions, exploring the tendering process for health and social care contracts. The course is structured around one extract from a poorly written method statement and three extracts from well written…

Preparing Effective Tenders

This workshop is the second in a series of three sessions, exploring the tendering process for health and social care contracts. The full day workshop is structured around a group task and an individual task ending with a plenary session.…

Introduction to Tendering for Health and Social Care Contracts

This workshop is the first in a series of three sessions, exploring the tendering process for health and social care contracts. This full day workshop is structured in three parts which cover the Legal and Regulatory background to public procurement;…


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