The Science and Art of Behaviour Change: Guiding and Nudging People Towards Better Health is an innovative one day workshop that introduces participants to some of the skills required to support healthy behaviour change both at the individual and population level.
Style: This interactive session will encourage participants to draw upon their own experiences as we explore two central beliefs:
Every individual contact is potentially an opportunity to promote health but it’s not necessarily what we say, rather it’s the way that we say it
The Science and Art of Behaviour Change: Guiding and Nudging People Towards Better Health is an innovative one day workshop that introduces participants to some of the skills required to support healthy behaviour change both at the individual and population level.
Style: This interactive session will encourage participants to draw upon their own experiences as we explore two central beliefs:
Every individual contact is potentially an opportunity to promote health but it’s not necessarily what we say, rather it’s the way that we say it
All of of us working in health and social care will experience “public health moments” when we think that there must be something we can do to stop our clients and patients from needing our help in the first place.
The morning focuses on individual health promotion and participants will have an opportunity to practice the basic communication skills that will allow them to have a purposeful and effective conversation about healthy behaviour change. The afternoon moves on to explore population health promotion and provides a framework that will allow participants to embrace and capture their public health moments.
This practical course is inspired by a variety of contemporary public health approaches and behaviour change models. These include Nuffield Council on Bioethics Public Health Intervention Ladder, Prochaska and DiClemente’s Transtheoretical Model of Change, the Marmot Review on Health Inequalities, Miller and Rollnick’s Motivational Interviewing and Thaler and Sunstein’s best-selling book Nudge.
This course is aimed at: This course is primarily designed for people who interact with patients, clients, customers and could use these interactions as opportunities to support positive behaviour change.
Learning Objectives:
– Understand behaviour change within the context of providing brief advice and promoting health at the individual level
– Understand and apply good communication skills in order to have a purposeful conversation with someone about behaviour change
– Recognise and capture public health moments in order to promote population health.
Please register your interest to attend this course at this time – fees and available dates to be advised shortly.