PHAST and Aceso Global Heath Consultants have joined together to help businesses reopen during the COVID-19 pandemic, by taking steps to make their workplaces as safe as possible to protect their workers, customers, and others from COVID-19 whilst boosting confidence and morale so that they can focus on rebuilding their businesses.
In line with government guidance, businesses are required to carry out a COVID-19 risk assessment following the Health and Safety Executive guidance. This should be done in consultation with workers or trade unions with results shared with their workforce and on their website. Despite this, several outbreaks have occurred across the UK which has forced the re-closure of some businesses.
In the event of a workplace outbreak, the NHS Test & Trace system will conduct a detailed risk assessment with the business involved and ensure appropriate risk management and infection control measures are put in place. In some situations, they would also conduct enhanced testing and contact tracing within that setting.
However, these measures are reactive and are only implemented after an outbreak has occurred, the business forced to close, and all workers required to isolate for a period of time. This can mean a shutdown of up to two weeks. We therefore want to prevent businesses from getting to this stage by helping them to take appropriate early action to identify, mitigate and control these risks.
There are 2 tiers to the support that PHAST and Aceso Global Heath Consultants can provide:
Aceso Global Health Consultants staff are currently working closely with NHS Test & Trace and several Local Authorities to response to COVID-19 outbreaks. As a result, we have the most up to date COVID-19 advice and workplace specific guidance and are therefore able to apply this to support your business in conducting detailed risk assessments to prevent and mitigate COVID-19 outbreaks.
This includes; understanding your business specific challenges and needs to provide and implement a tailored COVID-19 plan which comprises a suite of risk management and infection control measures. This also includes reviewing or creating well documented systems, policies and procedures that will be integrated into your current business health and safety procedures.
PHAST have developed a testing and contact tracing system for COVID-19. Our system complements the Government’s national guidelines and the NHS Test and Trace System but provides a service bespoke to your workplace and will form part of your tailored COVID-19 plan.
In the first instance, the PHAST system will ensure that all your staff are tested for infection before returning to the workplace. Thereafter, staff will be asked about their health daily, their temperature recorded, and re-tests carried out as appropriate. This identifies, tracks, and isolates any infections, advises testing for anyone suspected of acquiring COVID-19 and sends out reminders, instructions and advice offering help and support to staff.
The PHAST system works by receiving downloads from the workplace administration databases and collates all the information on testing to ensure effective crisis management. It uses standard call-centre technology, that is readily scaleable, easy to implement and cost-effective. This can all be set up and managed using your own in-house staff. All data sharing and information governance is in line with GDPR.
We are confident that through our service, we can keep your workplace as virus free as possible and ensure your business can continue to operate and function effectively. If you would like to hear more about our services and what we can offer, please contact admin@acesoghc.com
PHAST (Public Health Action Support Team) is a leading specialist Public Health consultancy created in 2008. Our senior executives have a track record in health protection and public health at national and international level. PHAST members were involved in the set up and delivery of the NHS 111 service and together have designed a testing and contact tracing system for COVID-19. We are confident that this system together with government guidelines can ensure your business is in the safest state currently possible to function effectively and deliver the exemplary services it normally provides.
Aceso Global Health Consultants is global and public health consultancy company established in 2013, based in London. Named for the Greek goddess of the healing process, Aceso works towards improving public and global health through collaborative research and innovation. Our small diverse team of research associates of academic public and medical doctors, enables us to provide high quality, innovative and evidence-based perspectives and solutions, delivering on projects related to a variety of global and public health issues.