Service Model
PHAST operates on a managed consultancy model with a core team of Operational Directors and project management staff. The PHAST core team ensures consistency of output and methodology, both within and between projects. It delivers robust project management and quality assurance to ensure high quality timely outputs and appropriate transparent methodologies.
The Board consists of a Chair, Chief Executive, Non-Executive Directors and Operational Directors. The positions were agreed at the first General meeting held in April 2008. For details, see the PHAST Board page. The PHAST Board is supported by a Core Team, for details please see the PHAST Management page.
PHAST Strategic Directors
PHAST Associates
PHAST has over 60 experienced and expert public health professionals as Associates who undertake the diverse range of public health projects that PHAST is commissioned to deliver. Many of the associates have worked at a high level in the NHS, the Department of Health or in academia. Due diligence process is in place to ensure all associates are eligible to practice and are of a high standard. PHAST has associates with economic, ethical and legal expertise. PHAST CIC is an Equal Opportunity Organisation.